Welcome to the Master Rankings List. These are all the books I’ve read and reviewed so far, split up into the years in which I read them. Within each year, the books are organized from my most favorite to least favorite. Click on any book to go to its review.
2023 Reads
Shatterpoint - Matthew Stover (5)
Ahsoka - E.K. Johnston (4.5)
Dark Force Rising - Timothy Zahn (4.5)
The Last Command - Timothy Zahn (4.25)
Brotherhood - Matthew Stover (4)
Heir to the Empire - Timothy Zahn (4)
2022 Reads
Master and Apprentice - Claudia Gray (5)
Revenge of the Sith - Matthew Stover (5)
A New Dawn - John Jackson Miller (5)
Padawan - Kiersten White (4.5)
Lost Stars - Claudia Gray (4.5)
Rogue One - Alexander Freed (4)
Rebel Rising - Beth Revis (4)
Yoda: Dark Rendezvous - Sean Stewart (4)
Thrawn - Timothy Zahn (4)
Catalyst - James Luceno (3.5)
Shadow of the Sith - Adam Christopher (3.5)
2022 Zomebie Book Ratings
Red Harvest - Joe Schreiber (10/10 zombies)
Death Troopers - Joe Schreiber (6/10 zombies)